Protect Yourself Skip to main content
Title IX Office

Protect Yourself

The only person responsible for an act of violence or harassment is the person who commits it, but there are things that we can do to keep ourselves safe from these situations.

When Verbally or Physically Harassed



Admit that a problem exists.Do not blame yourself for someone else’s inappropriate behavior
If you feel comfortable and safe tell the offender specifically what you find offensive.Do not choose to ignore the behavior
Say specifically what you don't want to happen, such as "please call me by my name not Honey," or "please don't tell that kind of joke in front of me."Do not try to handle any severe or recurring harassment problem by yourself
Keep a written record of what happened and when, and the names of witnesses.Do not wait to report the incident
Tell someone. Most likely you are not the only one being harassed by them.
You may contact the Title IX Coordinator by filing out an incident report.

      • Make your limits clear before you get into an intimate situation.
      • Avoid using substances that impair your judgment
      • Learn about signs of a healthy vs. abusive relationship
      • Learn about the facts and myths of sexual misconduct
      • Save the following Sex Abuse hotline number in your phone 808-524-7273
      • Use the buddy system at social events, when jogging, and walking at night
      • Be selective as to whom you date and where you go with them
      • Let a friend or roommate know who you will be with, where you will be, and when you expect to return. Leave an address and phone number.
      • Avoid hitchhiking and picking up hitchhikers
      • At night use the Campus Security night shuttle to get home safely
      • Keep blinds closed. Keep the windows and doors locked at all times.
      • Take a Self-Defense class
      • Lock your car, and have your keys ready as you approach your car
      • Avoid Social Media sites

    • There are no right or wrong answers to handle a perpetrator. It depends on your emotional and physical state, the situation, and the perpetrator's personality. The following are some possible ways of responding.

      • Try to escape, fight back, scream and run towards people and light.
      • Be rude. Make noise to discourage them from following you.
      • Talk, stall for time, and assess your options.
      • If the attacker has a weapon, do what it takes to survive.
      • Do something to make yourself less attractive and break into the aggressor's fantasy. For example, pass gas or urinate.

      • If you're raped, you should first get to a safe place, away from your attacker, as fast as you can. Call a friend or family member you trust, or call a crisis center or a hotline to talk with a counselor. The following are helpful resources:
      • Do not feel ashamed or guilty. These feelings, as well as being afraid and shocked, are normal. It is important to get counseling from a trusted professional.
      • Do not wash, comb, or clean any part of your body, or change clothes if possible.
      • Do not touch or change anything at the scene of the assault; it is a crime scene.
      • Go to your nearest hospital emergency room as soon as possible. You need to be examined, treated for any injuries, and screened for possible sexually transmitted diseases or pregnancy. The doctor will collect evidence that the attacker may have left behind, like clothing fibers, hairs, saliva, or semen. A standard "rape kit" is usually used to help collect these things.
      • You or the hospital staff can call the police from the emergency room to file a report. Unfortunately, rape is the violent crime least often reported to law enforcement. You may think that nothing can be done or that it was a private matter. Remember, sexual assault is against the law. You have the right to report this crime to the police and to be treated fairly.