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Title IX Office

Help a Friend

How Can I be an Active Bystander?

  1. Believe someone who has told you they have been subject to sexual misconduct.
  2. Do not blame them. Reassure them that it was not their fault.
  3. Avoid asking "why" questions about the incident. You may ask them "Do you want to tell me about it?" Let them know that you are there to listen and support them.
  4. Encourage them to report a concern. Offer to go with them. Allowing them to decide what action to take will empower them in a positive way.
  5. Be respectful of others. In your own relationships be sure to have your partner's consent before increasing the level of intimacy.
  6. Speak up: If someone around you says/does something inappropriate/offensive (even racist, homophobic jokes) tell them that it is wrong and ask them to stop.
  7. Learn more about how to be an active bystander.
  8. Learn more about sexual misconduct and the healing process.

Questions? Contact a Title IX Coordinator, they will help!
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