Have you, or someone you know, been a victim of sexual misconduct? BYU–Hawaii wants to help you!
Ways that BYU–Hawaii can help:
- The Title IX Coordinator will help you report the incident and will take corrective measures to keep the campus safe for you and others.
- Counseling Services can help you in the emotional healing process.
- Campus Security will help you report to the university, get medical help, and contact police.
- Human Resources can help employees report, investigate, and make changes for any incident that occurs at work on campus.
Other resources: Bishops, Health Center, Honolulu Sex Abuse Treatment Center 24-Hour Hotline: (808) 524-7273, Self-defense classes, Love is Respect
Reporting Sexual Misconduct:
- All incidents (involving on- and off-campus students and faculty) should be reported to the Title IX Coordinator. Reports will be kept confidential, within the limits of the law, to protect the reporting party and all others involved.
- Individuals who have been victims of sexual misconduct should make a report even if they have simultaneously been involved in other violations of university policy. Violations of university policy or the CES Honor Code do not make a victim at fault for sexual or criminal misconduct.
- Learn more about the University policy and procedures.